Shoes Factory

Shoes Factory

Within our shoe factory, all the work is carried out by highly qualified personnel, using cutting-edge machinery and following strict methods from the point of view of safety, thus ensuring a final product of high quality, attentive to each specific technical feature, to detail and to the occupational health and safety of all our workers.

All our shoes combine modernity and tradition, are comfortable and offered at excellent value for money.

In our shoe factories located in Europe, in Italy and in companies specialising in Made in Italy supplies, 100 workers work with passion and great commitment to create the best outdoor, leisure, safety and comfort footwear, trainers and military or hunting boots.

In our shoe factory, timeless footwear takes shape. Our company philosophy is to create shoes made with high-quality materials and finishes.

By carrying out every stage of the production process in-house, we are able to guarantee the strictest quality control procedures, offering our customers efficiency in logistics and maintaining the specified agreed.

The production site is located in Serbia and is equipped with latest-generation machinery that, combined with highly skilled personnel, ensures a daily productivity of about 1,000 pairs of shoes.

Our company is located at Via della Botte, 20, 31030 Altivole Treviso (Italy)
For further information please contact us on +39 0423 566101, write to us at or fill in the form you will find on our website,

Footwear production - Shoe factory - Footwear made in italy